To code or not to code

Last year, about this time, I was looking to reconfigure the Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. site, a little. The theme of that work was a continuation of discussions related to “Content versus configuration.” I started the site in 2010 using a packaged deal from a major play who took away our playground a few years…

Supporting material

Earlier posts dealt with technical issues (configuration vs content) and general matters (content vs its management). These are not the same. Now, we are venturing into operational issues that stump the practitioner. Yet, many have worked out their process (see Hereditary Society membership, 2nd bullet). For the most part, these age-old techniques have ended up…

Does code matter?

Well, I have already mentioned Codecademy’s approach and will get back to this. Disclosure: I have been using their site to look at their lessons for 97 days, now. There are other sites of this type, but their setup  is nice to use to twiddle with a little code each day. But, I have a…

CSS plus

As the prior post suggested, I was leaning toward WordPress and/or CSS. And, so, I have been playing with both. For WordPress, we will have our own blog (now under here and Too, though, the extent of users, and their work, shown via the Showcase is impressive. But, why not have both? So, I…

Decisions, decisions

Today, I played with a couple of things that pertain to this effort, as in how to do, rather than what to do. At Codecademy’s site, I have gone through most of the lessons (it’s fun, but, too, we need a code-related Magna Charta). I mentioned that I liked the interpreter, but under it is…