Journal entries, technical and comments

I’ll use this post to keep a running summary. The background can be found in the prior post: Alpha/beta site (todo list at the bottom of the post; will be moved to this post). Essentially, these entries deal with changing the website  using HTML/CSS, for now. There is one bit of javascript (more of this later,…

Alpha/beta site

Earlier, we talked about content management. Essentially, there are a couple (for now) sides of computing that are like a car user and its mechanic. The users go places with the car, show it off, and other things. Some users look under the hood. But, it’s the car guy/gal who looks under the hood.  Please note…

Rights for users of the cloud

Thoughts on the eve of the Fourth of July. The recent revelation that Facebook (FB), and its educational cohorts, experimented with the on-line experience of FB users raises a whole lot of issues. Here is one WSJ take: Few limits. What are the issues? Some mention “big brother” and such, out of fiction. I would…