Alpha/beta site

Earlier, we talked about content management. Essentially, there are a couple (for now) sides of computing that are like a car user and its mechanic. The users go places with the car, show it off, and other things. Some users look under the hood. But, it’s the car guy/gal who looks under the hood.  Please note…

Rights for users of the cloud

Thoughts on the eve of the Fourth of July. The recent revelation that Facebook (FB), and its educational cohorts, experimented with the on-line experience of FB users raises a whole lot of issues. Here is one WSJ take: Few limits. What are the issues? Some mention “big brother” and such, out of fiction. I would…

Made w/ Code

Google is sponsoring a site that is interesting: Made w/ Code Google. So, go over there, to that Google site, and read some important messages. See the FAQ about their use of Blockly (a web-based, graphical programming editor) which is a nice touch. I often wonder what happened to things like Live Model (one of…


We hear a lot about the cloud? What exactly is that? Opaque sink for data which can be used by whomever can obtain access (even if they have no right to the data)? A way for management to get something for nothing (their main objective, it seems) while impairing safety? That topic will continue to…

Does code matter?

Well, I have already mentioned Codecademy’s approach and will get back to this. Disclosure: I have been using their site to look at their lessons for 97 days, now. There are other sites of this type, but their setup  is nice to use to twiddle with a little code each day. But, I have a…


There was a flurry of activity related to updating the button handling for awhile. Mostly, the time was spent getting up to speed. After that little bit of effort, and then making a decision about the approach, it was a matter of doing the work, testing, and then distributing the changes throughout the pages, as necessary…


As said, this blog is technically oriented. But, in the nested world of reality, one person’s technical is another’s abstraction (let’s discuss). Those whose services will be in demand in the future (in order for us to have sustainability and a lot more) ought to be able to be able to bridge many levels of…

Buttons and more

The button work is mostly done except for some tweaking and figuring out a good scheme for handling Beacon issues. Essentially, rather than a collection of table cells, the buttons are an un-ordered list that is formatted via CSS. Right now, the sub-menus (About us, What’s new) are static. Now, on to things related to…

Button work in progress

Thanks to those who teach, I got a huge start on the button modification today. Didn’t take long once the decisions about color and shape were made. There are two pages left to do pending a decision about a nesting method. Now, given today’s exposure, CSS looks interesting. I want to move from tables to…

CSS plus

As the prior post suggested, I was leaning toward WordPress and/or CSS. And, so, I have been playing with both. For WordPress, we will have our own blog (now under here and Too, though, the extent of users, and their work, shown via the Showcase is impressive. But, why not have both? So, I…