Journal entries, technical and comments

I’ll use this post to keep a running summary. The background can be found in the prior post: Alpha/beta site (todo list at the bottom of the post; will be moved to this post). Essentially, these entries deal with changing the website  using HTML/CSS, for now. There is one bit of javascript (more of this later,…

Alpha/beta site

Earlier, we talked about content management. Essentially, there are a couple (for now) sides of computing that are like a car user and its mechanic. The users go places with the car, show it off, and other things. Some users look under the hood. But, it’s the car guy/gal who looks under the hood.  Please note…

Does code matter?

Well, I have already mentioned Codecademy’s approach and will get back to this. Disclosure: I have been using their site to look at their lessons for 97 days, now. There are other sites of this type, but their setup  is nice to use to twiddle with a little code each day. But, I have a…

Decisions, decisions

Today, I played with a couple of things that pertain to this effort, as in how to do, rather than what to do. At Codecademy’s site, I have gone through most of the lessons (it’s fun, but, too, we need a code-related Magna Charta). I mentioned that I liked the interpreter, but under it is…

Content creation versus management

In the context of managing content (and producing it, to boot), I have looked at various approaches. A couple of years ago, I was using OfficeLive, nicely provided for free by MS, which had some nice tools. I can explain, eventually. For now, let me just say that when I went over to another web…