Of late

We went on a theoretical bent a couple of years ago after noticing the common usage. Just now, saw a CompSci video about interactive proofs and some new ideas related to that. The guy mentioned theoretical computer science. But, theoretical chemistry had my attention, for a while.

Wait, let’s back up. This organization deals with the split off from Britain a few centuries ago which led to several things. Basically, we had New England, New France, New Spain, and others, bickering over here (there is a pond separating us). Lots happened, some of it covered by history. So, we’re touching on that with the added dynamic of insights from the lives of families over the many generations across this whole landscape. Also, of late, we have been more keen to watch what was going on over there. Like? Well, Spinoza was doing his thing about the time of Thomas’ ordeal (17th Century). Others, like Gauss? Before him, Euler? Newbies, essentially. And, we intend to get to writing more about symmetry across time and space in this regard.

Again, jumped into another puddle. If one thinks theoretically, what is the main theme/meme? Mathematics. So, having my mentor’s library, I started to read and decided that Bourbaki provides a nice outline and way to organize all of this stuff. And, I went to the basis when I could, recently finally following the complex threads out to their ends which finally got me to looking at modern modes (example: Liquid Tensor Experiment – just saw a video related to this work, there is much more to discuss). Along the way, I kept opening the covers, as much as I could, where people were touting AI, especially DL.

Lots of the work seems to involve applied mathematics being used to handle large libraries of several mix bags: images, video, text, and even mathematics. We’ll get back to that. Let me just say that I can tell everyone that here is the deal: these things are more artificial instinct than anything dealing with intelligence as we see with humans. And, mathematics is one area where we can find examples. Another deals with history as it notes human interactions, of various sorts. Yet, the personalized view (grounded) never really got much chance until now when the computer is going to allow us to fill in those pieces with respect to recovering truth from the condensed output of analysis (as in, abstraction being as forgetful as hell).

Think of a new approach going across the years where in the next few years we have a 400th, 300th, 250th, 200th, and 100th all there in some spectral fashion ready for our study? BTW, that 250th, relates to DAR/SAR and their views, which deals with the Revolution.

There is much more to add. Early on, the technical view dealt with computing in the sense of someone finding their way through the landscape which seemed to be always changing. I skirted along watching people get pulled into their mobile devices with apps taking over their brains, essentially. Okay, we’ll weigh in there, considerably (remember, lots of experiences with computers for five decades). In doing so, we watched the clouds evolve but stayed with the server concept. By choice. We also decided that JS was good enough for now; we are actively trying to see how to go (where things like Julia pop up – however there are do many) without losing our freedom or falling into some of the traps that silly valley allowed to be placed in the paths of the hapless (it is just horrible, CompSci’ers – want to talk to an adult?).

As mentioned, this am, I was reading a book from the ’80s on advanced complex systems. In the mode, I might ask of going through the library and mainly reading books from the ’30s thru the ’80s. My latest book was from 1990 (dealing with the open problems of topology – all types). In doing this, I get to hone my eyes on differing symbol usages and my brain on balancing interpretive schemes. Oh yes, my main language for a long time was Lisp where computational mathematics was the focus in an environment of engineering support (systems (people and algorithms) building major systems).

So, I decided to keep with my old trick, using the internet (from the beginning). It was not long that I found that what I was reading about in terms of a few decades ago morphed to some modern type that is quite familiar. Too, as I knew, my whole career ran along these same milestones, albeit in a commercial mode where performance/effectiveness was key.

Then, after a brief survey, to get my bearing (before bouncing back to the past again – long following these long threads of development of ideas), I looked at current papers and found the Liquid Tensor work which is applying machine learning to mathematics in terms of building a library that would be phenomenal when done.

One thing to note is that something akin to wrangling is necessary as there is such variety seen in expressions over the years. The timeline is unknown but loosely thought of as only going to take a few years. We’ll see about that.

In any case, again, silence does not denote no activity or interest. If anything, we have taken the downtime to solidify the foundation for the future. Too, we do keep abreast of developments along several lines. It is just that the technical focus will be seen to have a few morphs in the future. Our hope is that they will be significant.