Our new site (alpha/beta): https://tgsoc.org/site/ (for publications).
Our current site: https://TGSoc.org.
Our heritage site: https://thomasgardnersociety.org.
Our content blog: https://thomasgardnerofsalem.blogspot.com.
- Posts: Presence and such (2020);
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThomasGardnerofSalem.
WikiTree Profile: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gardner-159.
Our tech blog: https://tgsoc.org/tech/.
Published to date: GB XII, 1; GB XII, 2; GB XII 3; GB XIII, 1; GB XIII, 2.
We will publish here starting with the on-line version of Volume XII, GB XII, 2. In the longer run, this content will replace the content at the portal and the heritage site, to a certain extent, both of which sites will be reconfigured. Too, we will pull together the various methods that we have looked while doing TGS work over the past twelve years.
Focus: As before, Cape Ann, Essex County, Massachusetts and New England are the key areas from the start of the colonies to the morph to the U. S. and to now and the future. Our interests include people and families as well as events, here and abroad. The topic of “All things Gardner” is still apropos due to the breadth of the information covered in our work.
Technical stuff: See this post at our tech blog – New site (alpha/beta).