Content versus Configuration

See Notes at TGSoc Discussion (updated 07/23/2024).

Site is undergoing modifications.

1) Restructure with the classic site, to cover the large dataset that has been accumulated. Adding further to the tools to administer a non-profit. See Main site link.
2) Readjust the basis to Salem, MA of 1636 with ties to Cape Ann of 1623 and further back. Provide more information with regard to specifics of families from then to now. See the WikiTree link.
3) Tie into the newer technology somewhat. We will remain custom and low-key in format. There are plenty of other examples of this. See Devlog link from this page.
4) Continue discussion of technology gone wild since the culture lost its historical structure. We will explain. See Papers link.

This is a custom-built site with a communicative purpose that spans the history of the U.S. and the world back to the time of Charlemagne.

Custom built:

SeaMonkey/Composer/ & WordPad - HTML/Javascript/CSS; MS Paint (original) - images, graphics   

----     prior content ------

Context: see TGSoc discussion
(updated 07/23/2024)
Status: see Devlog.



Contributor: Gardner Research
The Gardner Annals, Vol. I, No. 1 (August 2014)